As a member of the Toyo Kohan Group, we have acquired ISO 14001 environmental management system certification(JICQA).
Basic Philosophy
We recognize that environmental problems are the most important issue facing mankind, and as a leading company in the die industry, we will do our utmost to protect the environment through environmentally friendly die manufacturing in order to pass on a rich global environment to the next generation.
Basic Policy
- We will set environmental targets, periodically evaluate and review them, and strive to achieve them.
- To prevent global warming, we will promote CO2 reduction through energy conservation.
- We will strive to save resources by improving productivity, and promote waste reduction, reuse, and recycling.
- We will comply with laws, ordinances, and other requirements, and promote pollution prevention and environmentally friendly business activities.
- To improve our environmental performance, we will periodically review our environmental management system and continuously improve the system.
- We will educate and enlighten our employees to raise their environmental awareness.
- We will communicate with society and contribute to the creation of a better environment for the community.
Environmental Management System
(The Toyo Kohan Group)
In the Toyo Kohan Group's integrated environmental management system, the Group Environmental Committee deliberates and determines the Group's environmental policy and environmental targets, and each Group company sets specific environmental targets and action plans.
In order to improve the effectiveness of this system and ensure its continuous improvement, we regularly conduct group internal audits of the environmental offices of each group company to confirm the status of operation and results at each group company.
SDGs Initiatives
- Environmental Goals:
Eco Action Plan 2030
Eco Action Plan 2030 is an environmental target that quantifies the indicators to be achieved by the Toyo Seikan Group (established in fiscal 2019).
”Eco Action Plan 2030 ”is a plan to address climate change, to be actively involved in resource recycling, and to conserve biodiversity as represented by the marine plastic waste issue, and to make concrete and effective measures to reduce environmental impact toward 2030, the target year of the SDGs, and to steadily promote initiatives to realize the goals.
We will steadily promote our efforts.