We will promote socially conscious initiatives, including the creation of systems to provide safe and secure products and services to our customers and the development of a workplace environment in which each and every employee can play an active role.
We also aim to coexist in harmony with local communities and promote community contribution activities by placing importance on interaction in the community.
Quality Management System
We have established and obtained ISO9001 quality management system certification for the products and services we provide to our customers(JICQA). We are continuously working to improve quality in order to provide high-quality products and services to our customers and achieve a high-level of customer satisfaction.
Quality Policy
We always pursue quality from the customer's point of view and provide dies and services that satisfy the customer.
We also aim to respond flexibly, appropriately, and speedily to the ever-changing business environment.
We will provide safe and high quality dies by balancing operational efficiency and safety.
Respect for Human Rights
In order to contribute to the happiness of mankind by striving to realize a sustainable society, we promote efforts to respect human rights, and we will continue to improve upon ”the Toyo Seikan Group Human Rights Policy” with sincerity.
Together with Local Communities
― Environmental
Maintenance Activities ―
We clean up the outside of our factory as part of our activities to maintain and beautify the living environment.
We will continue to do this so that our stance on environmental protection can be understood.